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Doodle Jump by Lima Sky is a pretty simple, yet incredibly addictive app for the iPhone as well as iPod Touch. Since the actual most recent version's release inside the United States on September 28, 2009 it has been featured by throughout the Apple App Store within the "Raw and even Noteworthy" and in addition "What's Hot" categories. Reviewers as well as users alike agree that Doodle Jump is actually fun that would act plus highly addictive for a number of factors, but yet the particular primary feature which has users hooked on the game is its general simplicity. Many reviewers in addition consider the particular characters as well as animations to be charming not to mention creative. Resembling the sketches almost just about everyone has doodled inside notebook margins, Doodle Jump's animated characters bring simple scribbles and also doodles to be able to existence. Game play is actually surprisingly simple, that has had a huge impact on the game's success. The object typically is simply in order to guide the actual cutely sketched leading character - known simply because the Doodler - up because very high because quite possible throughout a series of platforms. The character proceeds on his upward journey on his own. Sound simple? Hardly. The actual trick is to guide the character left and / or right that would jump on the proper platforms whilst avoiding landing on a crumbling platform or missing a platform just about all together. As the game progresses, right now there happen to be also enemies which include black holes, aliens, and in addition UFOs which will interrupt the particular character's trip to be able to the top. They must be avoided or alternatively shot by turning the actual Doodler character into a weapon simply by tapping found on the screen. Because we guide the Doodler higher and even high we could certainly see different people's excellent scores listed within the margin and in addition a person will likely watch the primary character bounce past all those scores on its method to setting a new significant score. Since its release, Doodle Jump has stayed very high on the Apple App Store's list of Top Paid Apps. Inside the United States it was the number one top paid arcade game app with regard to April. It has as well achieved number one status arcade game, app, and also general game within many countries around the actual globe in Might, June, July, August, plus September. According in order to various reports on iTunes not to mention within the media, it is actually the particular ideal micro-game, and it is extremely re-playable. Because the Doodle Jump gains in popularity it has been referred that would because the ideal game of its sort, not to mention with hot updates being steadily released its well-defined which it may continue on its journey to be able to the particular top. Doodle Jump sold 10 million copies on iTunes as well as Android Market in order to date, and also reached over 15 million downloads across all the platforms currently on the market. It happens to be one of many highest ranked applications on Apple's App Store (iOS). Doodle Jump has received favorable critiques from fans as well as critics alike, with TouchGen mentioning the fact that the particular game typically is 'fun as heck' and even also praising the particular sound and cartoon graphics that they feel offer the particular game charm. The review ends by saying that the particular game typically is a 'joy that would play' and in addition that it's obvious which a 'lot of love went into this game.' Fans of the particular game come with said the addictive nature of the actual game as well as on forums throughout the particular internet it is consistently reported as being with regard to people's top Smartphone games, alongside other lucrative games such as the actual common Angry Birds. To get the actual latest version of Doodle Jump please visit Doodle Jump Download