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You've called on renowned Barter Trainer Tom McDowell and his innovative barter trainer program to get your trade exchange started on the right track. Now it's time to put into practice what Tom has taught you, and start the prospecting and appointment-setting process on your own as you embark on making the most of your business opportunity.

As you continue to chart a successful course for your new exchange, don't forget about your marketing and sales initiatives. You will need to arm yourself with effective and powerful tools to properly marketing concepts knoxville your trade exchange so that you can efficiently prospect, book appointments with, and sell to the business owners in your market.

One of the most resourceful tools in your marketing and sales arsenal must be Tom's time-tested catalog of Marketing Concepts direct mail newsletters. Tom developed Marketing Concepts to be an ingenious barter prospecting and marketing tool - one of the best in the barter industry - for your sales team to make the prospecting and appointment-setting process easier. Your small business marketing tools will greatly benefit from having these direct mail newsletters customized for your exchange and at your disposal as part of your sales and marketing materials.

Designed and written by Tom himself, Marketing Concepts newsletters work in conjunction with the sales training techniques you learned from Tom to help you to effectively prospect targeted business types.

Marketing Concepts fully tells the barter story - clearly and concisely in an easy-to-read newsletter format. Each article includes interviews with business owners within your prospect's industry, and addresses most of the common barter objections they face. Every online marketing consultant newsletter includes Frequently Asked Questions and Answers about barter, the typical products and services available on trade, along with secialized industry-related benefits of barter to business owners.

As your new exchange takes flight, Marketing Concepts will enable you to reach new heights - and help you to generate business immediately.

The best part of Marketing Concepts is the wide range of specific industries that are available for you, to be customized with your barter exchange information.