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A lot of websites have links within their content, and when it's clicked will lead back to another webpage. A big reason why websites link to other sites is because the information on the webpage they're linking to is of extreme interest to a large number of people.

Now, the fundamental reason that YOU want other websites to link to YOUR SITE is because Google says that your site's Ranking in Google's Search Results is to a degree based on the analysis of those sites that link to you. So what does that suggest? It means that building backlinks is vital for creating high ranking websites; but, not just a multitude of every kind of backlinks. For backlinks to contribute towards raising your search engine rankings, they need to come from good neighborhoods, so to speak. So, it's not only the quantity of backlinks that counts towards your rating; but, also the quality, and relevancy of the links. Meaning that, your site and the one linking to yours, must have content covering the same keyword topic.

When another website links to your website content using anchor text (visible, clickable text in a hyperlink) that's regarded as a backlink to your website. This optimizes your website for that specific keyword; the keyword or phrase visible in the anchor text.

Discovering how to backlink is a marketing strategy you 'll want to put a lot of focus on, and it will make the difference between a winning website and an unsuccessful one.

Here are the best backlinking strategies to take your SEO rankings and your business to the top:

Posting Articles in Article Directories

One of the marketing techniques that I and a lot of the internet gurus use for generating targeted leads to my website is article marketing. Article marketing is one of the BEST ways how to backlink to your own content. The way this happens is by taking your articles that you've posted on your blog, re-write them, and submit them to lots of article directories. At the bottom of the article submission page, there's an author resource box where you can give details about yourself, and have your anchor text link that leads back to your website or blog. Some of the article directory sites like EzineArticles, GoArticles, & Article Base are ranked very high in the search engines, so getting a backlink from those authority sites is big for ranking your content.

Submitting your content to article directories serves two purposes. One, you can use the resource box to link back to your website or blog, giving you a relevant backlink. Two, it gets people who are searching for the content you're writing about back to YOUR WEBSITE if they click on your link. These are folks that are clearly looking to find out more about you, and if you or your business can help solve their problems. In other words, these are smoking hot targeted prospects. You just need to be sure you're writing your articles properly so they can be found; (keyword in the title, the description, and through the article). Ezine Articles has a nice guideline that you can use to get your articles posted.

Bookmarking Your Content on Social Bookmarking Sites

Another technique to pick up backlinks to your content is through bookmarking your content on social bookmarking sites that do not use the "nofollow" tag. Social Bookmarking is a great way to get your content noticed, acquire backlinks and get your content indexed fast. The Social bookmarking sites allow members of those sites to submit resources like blog posts, images, videos, etc. that are labeled and organized by tags, therefore creating pages and sections of targeted content, making the web content much simpler to find by members of the sites.

Contributing to Forums and Discussions

Forums are a place where groups with related interests can set up a registered profile to ask and answer questions about their topics of interest. At the bottom of each forum post, there's an area to add a signature line with a link to your webpage. So, whenever you have a say on a certain topic in the forum that will add a backlink to your webpage. This is very simple to do, and you 'll probably learn a few tricks and secrets from others in the forum on different issues including how to backlink. You do want to make sure however that these forums are related and relevant to content on your website.