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So, you've started playing Warcraft. You most likely desire to level as quickly as you can, to ensure that method for you to reach level 80 and start doing probably the most fun end game activities like PvPing, raiding, and acquire accessibility best gear in the game. This world of warcraft leveling guide should help give you general tips on where you should be.

Levels 1-10

These levels go extremely fast as you don't need much experience. Just wander around, make an effort to complete quests and check out and see how your class works.

Levels 10-20

Starting at around level 10 or 11 you need to be in a position to join the LGD queue. This can be a useful gizmo as it allows you to choose a role (DPS for all classes, or tank or healer for applicable classes) then be teleported to the beginning of a dungeon suitable for your level. If you're inside a dungeon web-sites, be polite to them. Share any quests you've got and do not take on any loot you cannot use. It's a group game so try to cooperate with people. If you are a healer or tank, the wait time is significantly lower for you personally because every group needs those roles. Should you opt never to utilize the LFG tool the Barrens is the better spot to level because of this range.

Levels 21-30

Start making your way south through Thousand Needles from your Barrens. Wailing Caverns is an excellent instance for low twenties. Make sure you visit Ratchet inside the southern Barrens for many with the quests.

Levels 31-45

You have a lot of choices here. Keep on to Shimmering Flats or cross over on the boat to Booty Bay from Ratchet to reach Stranglethorn Vale. The most effective instances to operate are Mauradon and Zul'Farrak when you're within the low forties.

Levels 45-55

Finish off quest lines by continuing to go south in Tanaris or help make your way to the Hinterlands. The Hinterlands is an excellent quest zone, mostly because of the abundance of quests to do in Jin'Al'Thor. Provide you with the Rune with the Guard Captain trinket or the spellcaster cloak as one of your rewards.

You're over halfway there! Another tip from this wow leveling guide - ensure that you return together with your class trainer every couple of levels to make sure you understand all the new spells and skills you might have forgotten you need to get.

Levels 55-58

Take a look at Winterspring or Silithus or perhaps the Eastern Plaguelands. When you hit level 58 proceed immediately to Outlands through the Dark Portal in the Blasted Lands.

Levels 58-63

Run Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace. The apparatus is great where there are some questlines both for dungeons.

Levels 63-66

Move west into Zangermarsh. Underbog and Slavepens are fantastic instances also with decent loot for many classes.

Level 66-68

Do Hemett Nesingway's questline if you can in Nagrand. Make sure to stop in Shattarah to gain the flight path and also to obtain access to all of the portals it includes. Shadow Labs and Steam Vaults are fun, if challenging, instances at level 68.

Levels 68-72

Quest in the Howling Fjord and Borean Tundra. The quest rewards, even green items, are really good so ensure you observe the quest rewards so you select the best one to your class. Utgarde Keep will be the primary instance here.

Levels 72-75

You can go north to Grizzly Hills or Dragonblight. Dragonblight has more quests and it is a somewhat easier area. Both instances listed below are Old Kingdom and AN, both full of fearsome huge spiders.

Levels 75-77

Build your way to Sholozar Basin and discover Hemett Nesingway again under western culture or check out Zul'Drak. In case you are in Zul'Drak be sure to do the Ampitheatre of Anguish - you will need a group but it's plenty of experience, gold and a great blue item for your level at the end. Run the events Gundrak and Drak Tharon Keep here.

Levels 77-80

You're almost there. If you opt to go exploring Storm Peaks or Icecrown try and be sure you provide an epic flying mount first because they zones are huge. Otherwise, consider Halls of Stone and Halls of Lightning, in the northern part of Storm Peaks.

As soon as you hit 80 you would like to start running heroics to gear up and obtain frost badges to get better equipment. This enables you to get geared enough so that you can start raiding.

I hope our planet of Warcraft leveling guide has been useful - there's a lot of data on the market, and it's challenging all of it.