Assist! My personal Brand new Vehicle Funding Offers Eaten My personal Increase!

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Hey, as simple as can be stated, it boils down to numbers. Interest rates: These are the hidden little killers that can destroy retirement plans and lifestyles over the course of a lifetime. Car financing is the second most important credit-related decision you will ever make, the first being the mortgage on your home. So, just as an example, let's say that you make $30,000 per year and are looking to finance a $25,000 car over five years. The difference between attaining approved car financing at 6% interest and 16% interest equals $130 per month if you take the loan out over 5 years! And here's the clincher - a 3% annual increase in salary will net you an extra $900 per year (and that's before taxes), while saving $130 per month on your car financing puts nearly $1600 more dollars in your pocket. (And hey, that's after taxes!) Even a few percentage points difference on your car financing can actually equal or exceed the raise you got from work this year! founding prentice capital