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Bootcamp Sunderland - Environmental influence reduction/elimination will be the next generation of scoliosis treatment.

Idiopathic scoliosis is primarily a neurological condition that creates an child's spine to start out twisting and bending around its axis during adolescent growth spurts. For unknown reasons, it effects females with a much higher rate than males as well as the peak incidence for rapid scoliosis curve progression is 12 yrs . old.

While the exact reason for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis remains unknown, recent scientific breakthroughs in the field of genetic testing (Scoliscore) have helped determine the multi-factorial (having both environmental and genetic components) nature of the condition.

Environmental Influences + Genetic Pre-disposition = Idiopathic Scoliosis

Bootcamp Newcastle - Conventional scoliosis treatment methodology (scoliosis brace treatment and scoliosis surgery) are solely dedicated to treating just the spinal curvature, and not the underlying environmental influences that match the genetic pre-disposition that really causes the spinal curvature. Any efforts to treat just the spinal curvature, without reducing/eliminating the environmental influences is going to have a low success rate and very limited long-term benefit.

A new scoliosis treatment process and methodology is emerging based on the idea that scoliosis can be prevented and maybe even cured using a scoliosis treatment program that targets the cause, not just the curvature. This "environmental influence" reduction/elimination approach to scoliosis treatment will usher inside a new generation in neuro-scientific scoliosis treatment.

What are "Environmental Influences" in scoliosis?

The main topic of environmental influences in scoliosis is actually rather under-studied and relatively poorly understood, however the topic does appear fit into 3 categories.

Bio-mechanical: Mis-alignment of the center mass of the head and pelvis in relation to the torso, trauma related ligament damage within the spine, and loss in the normal "good spinal curves" in the side view dimension.

Bio-Chemical: Lack (Selenium?), chronic myco-bacterium infections?

Specific Activities: Vertical compression of the spinal column (Weight lifting above one's head, trampoline), activities the cause a "flattening" of the mid back (back bends, sleeping on one's stomach).

Just what "Scoliosis BootCamp" program?

Personal Trainer - Doctors from around the globe have set out to re-invent scoliosis treatment with the mission and mind-set to find a better way to treat scoliosis later on. The driving philosophy behind the introduction of the treatment methodology ended up being to treat the presumed reason for the scoliosis condition, not just the spinal curvature (symptom). Incredibly enough, it functions very consistently and quite often with dramatic results. Because these clinics are fairly limited internationally inside them for hours a parent and child move to a location close enough to travel to a treatment center for 4-6 months isn't possible in most cases, the doctors of the CLEAR Scoliosis Institute have developed a "Scoliosis Boot Camp" or intensive care program for non-local scoliosis patients.