Making $100/day with Articles! NO EXPERIENCE, NO INVESTMENT, JUST TIME!

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Hey there,

I am Prashant Sharma and today I am going to teach you something that I taught my 15 year old cousin and who now makes approx. $60-75 per day working from home. Keep in mind that he also has his school to take care of so you can easily do much more than this and the best part � THIS IS 100% SCALABLE.

You can hire someone from any English speaking nation and you can easily scale this business to $1000+/Day but this is not going to be easy and I�m not trying to sell dreams here � I AM NOT A GURU :P So here are the exact steps that you can take to start making about $100 per day with no investment other than you most valuable investment � TIME!

1. Become VISIBLE as a QUALITY article writer:

The first and the most important step is to get visible, nobody will buy if they do not know you exist. You need to make yourself seen and for that what you need to do is pretty simple � REGISTER ON FREELANCE SITES.

Register on, first.

There are a lot of jobs that are available on these 2 sites and you�ll get plenty of work if you are willing to do it. Why only 2 in the beginning? Well, I want you to build you portfolio on these 2 major freelance sites first coz this is going to help you get more jobs.

Nobody wants to hire a freelancer with little to no reviews and the more accounts you have the more spread out your reviews will be. So focus on these 2 accounts get jobs done on time and satisfy the customers to get good reviews.

Building your portfolio as a writer is 1 awesome thing coz then you�ll get paid more for less work. I know a writer who charges $15 for a 500 word article and that is because of his professional writing skills.

You can get there too but you need to focus and work coz only people who work their asses off end up successful! I am assuming that you will be able to place bids on jobs that are related to writing projects. I am not going to waste time on that. Its brain dead simple.

2. Research

Well, this is the sneaky part actually. Now when you do articles the traditional way you have to do research and then read and then write good quality articles. Lets be honest, that takes a hell lot of work and we are smart people but lazy bums :p So, the solution to this is a site called

What the hell is this site? Well, it�s a very basic concept that my team uses to produce high quality content for my niche sites. This saves you a shit load of time with the research.

All you have to do is find a good quality article and paste it into the 1st box, then just rewrite the article in the 2nd box. The concept is so simple that its almost too good to be true but I�ve been using something like this for almost 6 months now and now its available online.

It helps you stay focused and gets the job done atleast 3 times faster since you do not have to switch between tabs, play around with notepad or other text docs that you use for research or any of that stuff.

All you have to do is paste an article in box 1 and then rewrite it in box 2. You can also check the article for plagiarism so you always get unique content.

3. Rewrite Tricks

You can use this syntax to find articles using Google and then use INSPIRATION from those top quality articles to rewrite and write your own quality content.



Replace Keyword with your keyword and with the name of the article directory that you want to search within.

So for example if I wanted to write an article for �make money online using amazon� and I chose the source to be; I would use: �make money online using amazon�

This is really easy.

Another source of content is PLR. Now this is what I use a lot and the easiest way to produce quality content within minutes. All you do is paste-rewrite-optimize-Save or Post.

4. Optimizing

The site also offers functions to modify the content that you have written and making it SEO-Friendly content and we all know that SEO friendly content is really important for Top Google rankings.

Without good content you are not going to survive in the SEO game forever but with good links and content, you�ll be at the top of each update and the panda or penguin shit algorithm update will not make your sites drop.

When you push the button �Send the Optimizer� under box #2 you�ll be able to send the rewritten content to box 3 and box 4 is a SEO Checklist for content.

Just make the changes using the checklist and �Refresh the Optimizer� to check if your content is BAD, GOOD or EXCELLENT! Then all you do is �Save� and move on to the next article.

5. Final Steps:

Once the job that you undertook as a freelancer is complete you deliver the articles and also include a checklist of the various on-page factors that matter for top Google rankings with the project.

What you are doing by giving them that additional check list is ensureing that they will give you top ratings for the project and you always want that since that will help you: Charge more, work less and get selected more often on projects that interest you.

I�ve included the list of on-page factors as a text file below. There is no catch with this tutorial. I wrote this coz I saw the success that my 15 year old cousin achieved and now I am giving it to you.

There is more than enough article writing work for everyone on the freelance sites and there are a shitload of sites out there so get you butt down to work. Also, another advantage that I get by making this report in a readable and organized form is that now I can print it out and smack it in the faces of people who see me making money and want to learn coz they think its cool sitting at home and making a good amount of cash.

Now whenever they ask me, all I gotta do is give them a print out of this and that is it. I just hate it when I teach someone and they don�t take it seriously. The fact is that the money made them want to join it but when they saw the work involved they just gave up and I hate it coz I invest my time in teaching them. BUT NO MORE!

Here are a few additional tips:

� Always meet your deadlines. With I don�t see any reason you shouldn�t be able to product about 5-10 articles per day. I can usually write about 10 articles in an hour.

� Bid low amounts in the beginning because when you start out you need to get jobs to get reviews. Once you have a number of good reviews you can start charging more but do the first few jobs just for the sake of getting reviews, YOU�LL BE REWARDED for being a forward planner.

� Keep the communication constant and email the employee once a day to tell him/her about the progress. As an employee I find nothing more annoying than waiting for freelancer to reply to my emails or messages. Be proactive.

� Nurture a good relationship with people since most people who get content done for their websites are repeat buyers and if they like your work you will be never out of business. I�ve been hiring the same graphics guy for almost 1 year now coz I think he�s awesome ? NOW, YOU BE AWESOME!

That�s all folks�.

This method requires NO INVESTMENT and I see no reason why you can�t put this to work starting NOW. Don�t start later today, START NOW!

Resources: PLR � Search the WarriorForum Warrior Special Offers section and get PLR Packs that have good reviews. SEO Checklist � ATTACHED BELOW

Cheers, Prashant Sharma