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Outsourcing Services Site, DoUpTo, Chooses Lick Of Luck Contest Winner With Real Giraffe As Judge, a portal for buying and selling practically any service or set of skill, names the winner of the "Lick of Luck" competition in February 2012, as judged by a real giraffe.

Hertzliya, Israel I-Newswire March 19, 2012 -�In a world that essentially follows what the media dictates, there are skills and talents that often go unnoticed, but are in fact highly useful. No matter how seemingly simple, expertise in particular tasks can be needed by certain people from the other side of the online world.

In an aim to connect people who need others to do particular tasks and individuals who aim to earn using their skills, was created. It is the new online platform where people buy and sell services for a small fee. All services, with a price range of between $5 and $100 per service, enable people to get help for certain projects � big or small � and help individuals make money using their unique skills and talents. [1]

The�outsourcing services]�and tasks listed on involve occupational strength, a personal talent, or an unusual skill. The best thing about is that visitors can sign up for free and get paid for their services. DoUpTo recently held a special contest, / Lick of Luck, for their members.

Known for its crazy campaigns, announced the special�Lick of Luck�contest earlier this year. The website simply enjoined DoUpTo users by having them sign in on the website through the Facebook Connect button. In February 2012, the website presented all of the profile pictures of its users to the judge � a real giraffe. The user whose profile picture was licked first by the giraffe won a crispy $1,000.

The Lick of Luck contest winner is Edmundo Salazar Gonzales. The website captured the fate of the�lucky winner on video, detailing the process by which an actual giraffe filmed in the safari chose and licked the Facebook profile photo of Mr. Gonzales, who instantly became $1,000 richer. sellers and buyers who want the best prizes can keep their fingers crossed until DoUpTo's next unique competition.

Individuals who want to know more about the Lick of Luck contest from can check out [2]�for the fun details and find more updates on their�/ contest page.

URL: [3] Keywords: lick of luck, freelancers, outsourcing services, giraffe, contest, zoo.