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== Level 2 ==Dog Training for Specific Reasons

Grown puppies are incredible creatures, moreover they are capable of doing many more things than one might know. While we typically think of dog training, what usually comes to mind is your poodle or golden retriever sitting or perhaps fetching a ball, the truth is that dogs are trained for all kinds of specialized purposes. Within this piece there will be a review of only several of the vital parts that well educated beasts play in our civilization.

Have you heard of guard dog training? This is a very specialized form of training for the canine species. Certain breeds of dogs are used for guard dogs over others. An example of a guard dog with minimal training is a dog that barks to scare potential intruders away. A dog that does this does only one thing - it barks when someone is approaching your home or you. Some dogs, due to their size or menacing appearance, can be effective protectors without much training. Yet an actual guard or protection dog is a highly trained animal who goes through extensive obedience training. Guard dogs are usually chosen by breed. It also depends on what you want the dog to perform. If you are not able to train your dog in an appropriate manner, guard dog training schools can help you with this.

Herders and farmers have been using dogs for a really long time and to this day, they still use them. There are quite a few breeds of dogs, for example - German Shepherds, Australian Shepherds and Border Collies which are all used for herding livestock and cattle. These breeds and some others are born with instincts for herding animals and this can be a huge asset for ranchers and farmers who have a lot of animals that need to be gathered together. Although not as many people are familiar with it, geese management is another thing that these sorts of dogs can be used for. Airports, race tracks, golf courses and some other public areas are places where geese can be a real bother. Some herding dogs are specially trained to chase geese away and discourage them from entering these areas.

Most people will teach the dog how to do a few tricks, opposed to teaching them how to rescue someone or find a missing person. We are not talking about simply teaching them how to fetch, but enabling them to do different stunts that are astounding to watch. Clicker training is an example of advanced training. To train your dog, you would use this clicker which is a very simple way to train your animal. Clicker training can actually help you train your dog to do very advanced techniques such as opening doors and fetching certain items. As long as your dog has a mild temperament and is relatively intelligent, you should be able to train him or her to do certain tricks without too much effort.

No matter what the purpose of dog training, everything has to begin with the fundamentals. Dogs that have been trained to abide to fundamental orders can then be offered more complex training. Other than this, what a dog can do is reliant upon their character, breed type and their individual nature. Training dogs for specialized reasons requires both a dedicated owner and a dog that has the right traits.

Rover Dog Boarding Services in San Jose Dog Boarding While boarding, dogs are fed, walked, and cared for by kennel staff, who are responsible for keeping the dogs healthy and happy.